Business & Property Clearings
Channelling for Abundance
Essential hygiene program and clearing for your environment. We release all the imbalances and blockages while enhancing and blessing the location for your utmost benefit.
I connect to the spirit of the property and form a crystal grid. Once activated the property is placed within this crystal structure. There is information in all the layers of this work. I use my oracle cards for further insights as well. I will let you know every part of what I perceive through the session and transmission.
The feedback I have received for remote property and/or business clearings have been pretty amazing. People actually feel (and some see) the change/shift, the light pouring in; visitors positively commenting on the place; instant boosts of business and increased energy for the people who are within the space.
The results never cease to amaze me.
What to expect:
An influx of positive energy which boosts all parts of the aimed for, may it be a unit, house, property, land or business.
More flow, referrals and influx of clients.
Harmony within the family or work colleagues.
Attracting the right kind of people and work
Increased focus and stream of new ideas through the creative flow.
Bringing in personal power, awareness and acknowledgement.
The initial session (same as with a new client) is priced at $260.
Any follow-up clearing and alignment is available for $222.
Prices are in Australian dollar.